Skeptical Blurbs
to Blurbs
Have you ever wanted concise rebuttals of the nonsense of the
day? On this page we have collected a number of rebuttals,
suitable for release to a news organization. These are not
intended to be complete treatments of a topic, but instead are
short summaries. References are included so that interested
readers can learn more, or see what has influenced our position.
The New York Area Skeptics
maintain a
bibliography similar in purpose to these blurbs, and the
Skeptic's Dictionary is also
highly recommended. Another resource is the
New England Skeptical Society's
Any constructive comments or blurb donations are welcome;
E-mail these to Roy Auerbach.
If your message is about a particular blurb, please indicate in
some way which one you are referring to, as it's not alway
obvious from the context.
All of the below blurbs are available in a spiral binder for
$5.00 + $3.00 shipping and handling (if you order by mail).
Copies can be bought at the meetings or by using the
order form.
If you are looking for web links on these and other topics,
try our links
page. It would probably be more convenient to have the links
in the blurbs themselves, and Your Humble Webmaster may
eventually get around to it, but finding and organizing links
takes time, and I do have other responsibilities besides this
web site. (Like earning a living. <grin>)
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